The Central Mountains RETAC Teen Seat Belt Challenge is a fun and friendly competition for high schools in the counties of Chaffee, Eagle, Lake, Park, Pitkin, and Summit to participate in. The goal of the Teen Seat Belt Challenge is to increase seat belt usage and raise awareness of the danger of distracted driving amongst the student body population and the community.
Over the past six years since the Teen Seat Belt Challenge started, the CMRETAC Region has seen a steady increase of seat belt usage year after year. For Fall 2017 the Seat Belt Usage Rate for the region was 89.8%. When CMRETAC first started the Teen Seat Belt Challenge back in 2011 the Seat Belt usage rate was only 70.3% as a region. The National average for Seat Belt Usage is 90.1% and the Colorado average is 84%. As a region CMRETAC is slowly catching up to the national average and bypassing the state average.
Please include graph – Data has been collected at all public high schools in the region since 2011. The first challenge took place in 2011 and the region’s high schools have seen a dramatic increase since then.
Photo: 2018 TSBC Winners – Summit High School