Sudden Cardiac Arrest Resources

Central Mountains RETAC AED Registry is available for any organization or agency within the six counties of Chaffee, Eagle, Park, Pitkin, and Summit.  The AED Registry allows participating emergency response agencies to know where AEDs are located in the community so they can be found and used quickly when needed.   When you Register your AEDs you can help save lives in your community!

Organizations registering AEDs get the following free benefits:

  • Online management of AED location and maintenance information
  • AED battery and electrode date expiration email reminders
  • Faster AED notifications from manufacturer and government agencies
  • AED and SCA awareness-building materials
  • Ability to participate in the AED Link™ system, where available

CPR Instruction and Community Outreach

Starting Hearts is a nonprofit dedicated to saving the lives of Sudden Cardiac Arrest victims through free CPR and AED training and access programs.

Starting Hearts Call.Push.Shock. Training

Learn more about LifeMed Saftey Here

Resources on AED Purchases and Management Solutions

For best pricing, request CMRETAC regional pricing from LifeMed Saftey*

*must be apart of the Central Mountains RETAC to receive

List Central Mountains RETAC as the State or National Association you belong to when registering with Savvik

AED One-Stop Shop 

Starting Hearts SCA Programs & Services